April 11 2022, I had the opportunity to conduct our first tour of the mines. My daughter and grandson Aiden belong to the local outing club, Mahoosuc Kids.
It was group consisting of about 10 kids and eight adults. The kids were all ages 8 and younger.
First and foremost, these kids handled the walk up the mountain with ease.
running ahead, pulling rocks out of the road and just having a great time. I had the opportunity to talk with the adults about the mines, local geography, and what our future plans were on the mountain.
We walked up to the No.2 mine, and they all seemed quite impressed with the size of the mine even though it is currently filled with water. I answered a myriad of questions for them about mining, the water, the minerals and mica.
They enjoyed a snack and the view and it was fun listening to them figure out the local landscape.
Meanwhile the kids were all over the place, exploring, picking rocks and enjoying the great spring afternoon.
Unfortunately we didn't have time to make the round trip to the other mine, kids and rocks in tow we walked back down to the parking area.
For me the afternoon turned out exactly as I had hoped, interested adults and excited kids finding treasures.